Indivudal states - as entities and historical individualities - are not eternal ones. A significant part of the world's and Europe's sovereign entities are relatively newly established, and many of the seemingly resilient ones went through phases in the last hundred years when their existence and/or sovereignity was in doubt. It is quite clear in the Eastern part of the EU, where every new member state didn't exist 150 years ago (or at least not in their present form and as sovereign states - for example Hungary or Romania), many of them was established as independent nations after the WWI but ceased to exist between 1939 and 1944, while others emerged as new "powers" of the region. The realignment of ECE happend again in 1945-1947 and after 1989.
The important point is that the present configuration of this part of the continent is not necesserily an eternal, given one sanctioned by thousands of years of history, or a divine action: it is a reasult of the collapse of greater frameworks of states, empires and would be nation states. Those who are familiar with the region's history will almost automaticly associate to violence, war, armed attacks on neighbours after reading such an introduction, especially after the rise of extrem rightist (and extreme nationalist) forces at the election for the European Parliament. But my only concern was to highlight that states can collapse, fail and be dissolved due to the circumstances. Some of them is simply collapsing, as its institutions can not control its territory, others' endgame begins at the fringes, with the loss of efficiency of the state administration and with the emergence of alternative powers at the local or regional level, others simply implode due to their incapacity to fulfil its tasks and responsibilities towards its subjects, and these factors can coincide with each other. But, although in many times a kind of external impact - in the form of war, crisis, presure from a great power etc. - plays an important role in it, the internal incapacity (impotency) of the state is almost never lacking among the factors behind such developments. And - as it is a lesson from these events - even the largest and seemingly quite stable formations can be dissolved very rapidly, at an astonishing pace.
Maybe we can see similar processes at the fringes of the EU today. Countries, struck by the crisis, without room for manouvre and having lost a significant part of their state revenues, compelled to follow prescriptions of great creditors who rushed to their aid and bailed out them, are in more and more dire situation, as they are forced to cut down their public services. The budget cuts in Latvia are affecting the public instruction system, the health care (for example certain surgeries will only be available for clients of foreign helth insurance systems from the autumn, as the Latvian helath care will cease to finance those for Latvian citizens), maybe the police, the judiciary system. In this case it is the result of accross the board budget cuts, but other examples exist in Romania or Hungary as well. In the latter the state financing available for hospitals was reduced significantly and only the reduction of their services could lead to some balnce in the expenses and revenues. (Meanwhile the cuts in the contributions of employers and employees to the health care budget will significantly worsen the financial situation of the health insurance system.) In Romania the lack of funds is almost everywhere, but it surfaces quite sporadically, either in regional or in sectoral terms. According to press reports one county tribunal will be closed in August due to the lack of financing, the salary of judges will be cut with 1/3 of it (in a country where - accoding to the EU's assessment - corruption is in full bloom, and the state is incapable to act against this phenomenon decisively), in many cities there is not enough money to open the schools in September etc. Although the government insists that they will provide at least the necessary basic financing, it is far from being certain, especially as Romania has to comply with the conditions of the IMF and the EU in order to receive the individual tranches of its huge loan.
Not that it would be exclusively a fault of the external world. The Latvian government is desperatly defending a currency peg from an eventual devaluation (and from this perspective salary cuts in the public sector are lying on the road to "internal devaluation"), the Romanian is caught between electoral promises last fall, an uneasy coalition of "social democrats" and "conservative liberals", an alliance for Romania('s wealth), really aimed to divide the resources of corruption among them, and between the coming presidential elections, while in both countries the "econimc miracle" of the last years was "financed" with low taxes and growing consumption - based on loans and loans and loans, leaving no buffer for a case of crisis.
But the most worrying development is concerning the future of the EU. The predictions - forecasting problems in the coherence of the eurozone - are not ceasing, while the handling of the crisis highlighted the deficiencies of the inter-governmental approach in times of crisis. The reluctance of the Germans to develop a real common perception of the crisis, to allow European institutions to act independently (although those never has shown much willingness to act that way) although comprehensible, was certainly not benefitial. And as Wolfgang Munchau points out: after the Constitutional Court's decision on the Lisbon Treaty everything will be even more complicated. Even in the field of common economic policy. Not to speak of facing the real problems, the incapability of ECE in the long run to dael with its underlying social problems and with the impact of the demographic trends without a common social policy. But if the slow dissolution of the East will continue it could easily reach to the heart of the union itself.
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6 years ago
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