The Hungarian minsiter of defense, visiting the USA demonstrated that he is a good son of the Hungarian nation and proficient in ECE politics. According to the news he reprimanded Barack Obama because of his remark on Hungary's and Ukraine's problems. As Obama and Gordon Brown met simoultaneously with our very Hungarian coup, in Hungary nobody cared about the real text, and the very benevolent sentence, not sepcifically aimed at any country, was interpreted as the sign of anxiety and discontent in the White House especially because of Hungary. (For many it also was a signal that the White House abandoned Gyurcsány, as if it would be a significant problem for the present adminsitration among the present circumstances who is the head of the Hungarian government...) Obviously, Mr. Szekeres was not among those few who took the burden and read the original text, nor was his staff capable to do it. Instead, he joined those who misinterpreted the remark and took the role of the nations defender against unfounded allegations. Moeover, just to reveal that he is a true ECE politician he expressed his affrontement because Ukraine was mentioned together with Hungary, although - contrary to Ukraine - the fundaments of the Hungarian economy are good. As if I were hearing Topolánek or Tusk two weeks ago...
*I knew that the novel and the movie has a different title, but as I admire Peter Sellers I felt that it would have been an insult to his memory to make him equal with Mr. Szekers, even if only indirectly...
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6 years ago
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